
Dicembre 13 2024
Luiss 2024-25 academic year kicks off under the banner of AI

At the inauguration event, the future takes center stage with a focus on artificial intelligence

Students, distinguished guests, and ministers were present at the opening ceremony of the Luiss Guido Carli Academic Year 2024-2025. The Aula Magna Mario Arcelli hosted main university representatives and special guest James Manyika, President of Research, Technology and Society at Google. Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the future were at the forefront of the discussions. “To build the University of the future, we have to pay attention to the deep transformations produced by new technologies like AI and value the benefits and innovations these technologies offer,” said Luiss University Rector Paolo Boccardelli.

“The Man in the Loop” was a key issue in his speech. The main challenge for the future is to create an environment where the human being remains central while unleashing the potential of technologies. He emphasized how technology will increasingly impact people’s lives and work, stressing the importance of preparing students with the network and competence skills required.

Exploring AI’s Potential and Responsibility

James Manyika began his speech by thanking Luiss University and delivering an insightful analysis of AI. He highlighted four key areas of technical progress and public engagement: First, in the world of information and knowledge; second, AI’s essential contribution to economic progress for businesses of all sizes through innovation and productivity; third, advances in scientific areas like medicine, material science, and physics; and fourth, progress on human challenges including food security and well-being. Manyika spoke about the importance of collective commitment from scientists, experts, politicians, students, and teachers in developing AI responsibly. He noted that ethics and human values are crucial guides in AI development, pointing out that Google’s research team includes philosophers and social experts.

This multidisciplinary approach was supported by Father Paolo Benanti, president of the AI Commission for the Presidency of the Minister Council: “We have to avoid a perspective that is simply zero or one because we have a gradient of possibilities where in some cases moral choices must remain fully human, while in others they can be computed”.

Professor Giuseppe Francesco Italiano introduced Ai4 Society, a new program aimed at bridging the gap between academic research and innovation. The initiative seeks to provide Italy with digital competencies and allow private companies earlier access to performance-enhancing technologies.

The ceremony concluded with President Luigi Gubitosi underlining the importance of evolving perspectives: “The complexity that characterizes a future that is already present and requires a new generation of global and responsible leaders, capable of addressing current challenges. This is the mission of our University”.